By now we must all be aware of the power and reach of social media. From enabling a 16 year old Swedish girl to address the UN on an issue facing future generations, to inconceivable wealth creation via Instagram ‘ínfluencing’ and product spruiking, there is not a day that passes where we do not hear that something has gone ‘viral’and made an instant celebrity or multi millionaire out of the average citizen.
But in equal measure it has the ability to destroy careers, businesses and lives with just a few ill thought out words, or a malicious attack by a keyboard warrior intent on harm.
Never before has the ‘shame’ industry been so alive and well. Which is why it’s so important to treat social media sites with caution. Beware providing too much personal information, think before commenting on posts, never say on social media what you would not be prepared to say in person, be respectful at all times and kind where it warrants it. Don’t push your unsolicited opinions, politics or agendas onto others and ask yourself if your engagement is helpful or counterproductive to the outcome sought.
But overall, treat it as a useful tool for communicating with friends or family or for help with locating a lost pet or seeking a recommendation for a holiday, restaurant or product but most importantly, don’t treat it, or yourself, too seriously.