Technology in 2020

This year has been challenging for obvious reasons but it is gratifying to see how enthusiastically our team at Maxwell Collins has embraced and welcomed new technologies to assist clients with their property needs. We are now old hands at online meetings via Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams and our sales team have been making short videos of our properties for sale, to assist those who are unable to attend a private inspection.

Digital marketing has evolved to include 3 dimensional walk videos which we are now offering our clients. These provide quite an amazing, high definition virtual walk through experience and can become an important selling tool during these periods of restriction.

But of course, nothing can replace the traditional real estate methods and physically inspecting a property – getting a feel for the neighbourhood and the home itself – is always the best option. Our sales team are out and about conducting private inspections, often back to back, as demand from dedicated buyers continues unabated.

In the long run technology will enhance and complement these traditional methods and we will come out the other end of this with a whole new skill set to assist our clients to get the best result.

Until next week,

Nick Lord