QR Codes

By now we are all aware of what a QR Code is. They have become inextricably linked to our new Covid normal lives as we check in to restaurants, entertainment venues or any commercial premises where a stay of more than 15 minutes is likely.

The government has mandated their use at our auctions and opens for contact tracing purposes. QR Codes are basically just an easy way (a short cut) to link to a website and in fact, we used them for several years on our marketing to enable easy access to property information such as photos, floorplans, location plans and detailed property descriptions. Back in those early days they were a bit clunky and required the user to download a dedicated QR reading app but these days our smart phones read them automatically simply by pointing the camera at the code.

So now with the widespread use of QR codes we have decided to reintroduce them on our marketing to provide the buyer with instant access to all the information they need to make an informed buying decision. They will feature on brochures and boards and will link to a dedicated property website for each property for sale.

Delivering information in the quickest and most efficient way is the original rationale behind QR code technology, which we are glad to reintroduce.

Until next week

Nick Lord
