Our Sales Team

On the surface, real estate might appear to be about property, but at its essence, it’s about people and that means it is an incredibly hard industry to succeed in as a sales agent.

Not only do our agents have to have an intimate knowledge of the Geelong market but they also need an acute understanding of the drivers of human behaviour. They need to look at what motivates buyers and sellers and find that common ground (sometimes a very fine line) to enable a seller looking for the best price to match with a buyer looking for their ideal home at the lowest price.

In a red hot market this is an easy task, but when the market slows, the negotiation skills of the agent are put to the test. Our team has a proven track record of getting results in all market conditions and the longevity and stability of our sales team is a testament to their excellence. Lois Wilson has over 30 years experience, Eugene Carroll over 25 years, Duncan Skene over 15 years, Laura Vander Noord over 10 years and Shaun Carroll and Simon Braybrook over 5 years experience. Our newest team member Ange Heskett has recently joined the team after several years in our Property Management department.

If you entrust Maxwell Collins with the sale of your home, you are getting a wealth of knowledge and experience, and our guarantee that we will get the best result for you.

Until next week,
Nick Lord (Director)