The Geelong region offers a lifestyle unrivalled by any other city in Victoria. For that reason, the property market has remained buoyant for many years.
Add to that:
• an influx of agencies from government, health and education sectors;
• Melbourne buyers relocating for employment and schools;
• substantial investments in tourism and jobs;
• affordable housing with low interest rates; and
• affordable investments with proven growth
Consumer confidence is high and the number of buyers in our region has continued to trend upwards. In recent months, with demand at an all time high (as buyers seek to move from capital cities into regional Victoria) we are seeing auctions exceed their reserves significantly, multiple offers coming in on private sale properties and suburb records smashed.
These trends look set to continue for the foreseeable future unless a massive influx of homes come onto the market to quench this unprecedented demand.
Have a great weekend!
Nick Lord (Director)