With yesterday’s easing of restrictions in regional Victoria, we are now able to conduct our auctions on site, as opposed to online, which is a great step forward for real estate in this spring selling season.
Auctions will be subject to the same limits imposed on any other outdoor gathering, meaning the number is capped at 10. Bidders will need to register prior to our auctions to guarantee their place.
Inspections are still restricted to private only, but with the attendance now capped at 10 as opposed to 1, which provides a great opportunity for a family to be able to inspect a property together, to discuss its features and suitability whilst at the property, rather than inspecting one at a time and having to confer later.
If you are looking to buy we encourage you to make an appointment to view any of the properties in this publication as our sales team gears up for a busy weekend.
If we can assist you with any real estate requirements please don’t hesitate to contact our office.Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy being out for ANY reason!
Until next week,
Nick Lord (Director