A Positive Mindset

As this year’s chairman of the PPG group (a collective of independent real estate agencies throughout Victoria) I spent last week at a conference, where the keynote speaker was Ben Crowe. Ben is a mindset coach, whose client list reads like a who’s who of the sporting world – Ash Barty, Stephanie Gilmore, Dylan Alcott, the Hawthorn and Richmond Football Clubs and back in the day Andre Agassi.

Ben’s message is a simple one, namely, you can’t work out what you want until you work out what you are. This means looking within – acknowledging what you can’t control and working towards changing those things you can control, with the ultimate aim of unconditional self acceptance and inner self worth; and only after then should you focus on your goals and future path in life.

Ben’s 90 minute workshop was mesmerizing. Industry personnel who sit through dozens of training sessions every year were on the edge of their seats. None of us could help coming away with a more positive mindset, and the tools to make the most of the many opportunities life presents to us.

You can find out more about Ben Crowe at www.mojocrowe.com.

Until next week,
Nick Lord